Want to wish everyone including over 700 Surfers Unite members in 30 countries a very Happy New Year! In case you missed it on our social media feed the Rotary International float for the 131st Tournament of Roses won the Volunteer Trophy for Outstanding Floral Design. Our flying penguin Penelope featured over a dozen country elements including the flags of USA, Canada, Mexico, Korea, Germany, France, Brazil and India as well as the Zen Temple of Kinkaku-Ji in Kyoto, Japan, the Eiffle Tower of Paris, France, Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and the Sydney Opera House in Australia. Congratulations to the entire Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee, the thousands of volunteers, supporters and sponsors as the float looked beautiful flying down Colorado Blvd New Year’s Day morning. Riding on the float was the President of Rotary International 2019-20 Mark Maloney and First Lady Gay of Decatur, Alabama as well as the President of Optimist International Adrian Elcock and his wife of Barbados.
So what’s the tie in with Surfers Unite? In the last few years we’ve had float walkers and members involved in decorating the float. In fact, our Founder Brett Morey represented District 5340 (San Diego/Imperial Counties) in the 2018 parade in which we won the Princess Award. Big Kahuna Lifetime Members Adam & Marti Rosenberg of Encinitas have been taking groups of High School students (Interact members) up to Irwindale to decorate the float for years. In 2019 Parker Jellison of Ventura Rotaract walked with the float as well as Belgíca Crespo of City Heights Rotaract. Both Parker & Belgíca are Surfers Unite members and we had a dozen members decorate the float. Belgíca served as the District 5340 Rotary Rose Parade Float Advisor and Jennifer McGrew Thomason will serve 2020-21. Margot Ermer of San Diego State University Rotaract snd a Surfers Unite member decorated tge float and attended the Holiday dinner in Glendale. Brett Morey continues as one of the 18 Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee Directors so it’s fair to say our presence and connection to promoting Rotary through the largest public image campaign will continue for years to come. Here is the link to photos from decorating on 12/30 to the Holiday Dinner and New Year’s Day. Just another way Surfers Unite members are providing unique opportunities to serve others and share the magic of Rotary. Get “on board” today!